Mi realidad no era muy diferente a la de muchos. Diferentes visiones de una realidad, diferentes sufrimientos, diferentes motivos, mismo destino.
Todos sufrimos ese fascinante y aterrador sentimiento del que comienza una vida de nuevo.
Volvemos a nuestra niñez, al momento en que nuestra madre nos dio a luz. Todo es nuevo, todo nos inunda, todo atrae, todo esto provoca esa fascinación e inmensa confianza del que nada teme porque de cero comienza.
Hemos vuelto a nacer, pero de una segunda madre. Nuestra madre biológica se quedó atrás cuando volvimos a la vida, aunque luchamos por volver a encontrarla de nuevo.
My reality was not different from others. Different visions of the same reality. Different sufferings and motives. Same fate.
Everybody suffers from the fascinating and terrifying feeling of starting a new life.
We return to our childhood, to the moment our mother gives us birth. Everything is new, everything soaks us, appeals to us, and provokes a fascination and immense trust bestowed to those who fear nothing since they are starting from scratch.
We have been born again, but from a second mother. Our biological mother stayed behind the moment we started all over, even though we struggle to find her again.
A mother that suffered so much from our departure; who will never forget us. The one we will feel until her death when she sees her children confronted. The mother that, with endless kindness, will forgive even the undesirable children and those who have forgotten her and do not deserve love. She will welcome them with the love and warmth of a mother.
We return to life. We were born again from a mother that has loved us as her own and that has shared food equally among all her children. A mother that struggled to give us the best and feels proud when she looks at us with kind eyes. She feels fulfilled by the sacrifices made.
A mother that taught her children to show friendship, kindness and generosity towards each other.
Brothers and sisters that become loving brothers and sisters. That remained united against all odds and in the good times.
Brothers that looked at us with the admiration of a sibling. Older brothers conscious of the purity, generosity and innocence of their clean and pure hearts and souls.
We, older brothers that have already stained our heart with the sad and hard memories of having left innocence in the past.